

Andy Purdon (Chairman)

Andy has worked with a number of charities including being on the board for his local Church of Scotland. He has over 20 years’ management experience gained during a career spanning roles within British Telecom and Azzurri Scotland. As a licensed Innermetrix practitioner, Andy now specialises in management consultancy for Scottish SMEs. He is an excellent communicator with a passion for helping others achieve their end goal and has a proven track record working with clients to establish and deliver value within their business.

In his spare time Andy is a keen football fan and also plays golf.

Barry Cook

Barry has been active in the charity sector for many years, raising much-needed funds for children and their families impacted by Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Having worked in the legal and financial services industry since the early 1990s, he is currently a vice president in banking.

Barry is married to Kirsteen and they have two children, Jenny and Alex. Jenny was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at four years old and has undergone numerous operations and procedures at the Royal Hospital for Children, including the removal of her large bowel.

Joanne McFadden

Joanne has been involved with the Catherine McEwan Foundation since its formative years and has been a key player in many of our projects and events. She spent the early part of her career as a production and fashion editor for various music and lifestyle magazines.

Professor Richard Russell

Professor Richard Russell is a Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist working in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. His main interest is paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and he is committed to making life better for children and families impacted by IBD. He has published >150 research papers and is currently taking part in many clinical research studies in PIBD. In 2008 he was awarded a PhD for an investigation into the genetic determinants of PIBD in children.

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