Wellness Walks
are Back!

Wellness Walks
are Back!

We’re delighted to announce that we’re bringing back our Wellness Walks with new locations, Wellness Walk Champion’s and more opportunities to connect with people who are living with IBD. We’ve seen a lot of love for this programme in the past so we’re excited to get it going again!

The timetable is below (beside the registration form) and each walk will be around 45 – 60mins at a gentle pace around one of our lovely parks in Glasgow:

  • Bellahouston Park
  • Hogganfield Loch
  • Glasgow Green
  • Strathclyde Park

Why are we doing this?

The idea is simple: get outside, enjoy some fresh air, and connect with others—all while getting a bit of exercise. Now, more than ever, we know how closely linked our physical and mental health are. Walking isn’t just good for your body — it’s a total mood booster too!

We’re also passionate about growing our Foundation Family and giving people who live with IBD a real sense of community and belonging. We want you to feel like ‘you’, not ‘someone who has IBD’.

Here’s a quick rundown of more reasons why Wellness Walks are worth your time:

Physical Perks:

  • Heart Health: Walking regularly can keep your heart in great shape, lowering the risk of heart disease.
  • Stronger Bones and Muscles: Walking helps keep your muscles and bones strong, which is super important as we age.

Mental Perks:

  • Stress Relief: Moving your body helps reduce stress by releasing endorphins, those feel-good hormones.
  • Mood Boost: Feeling down? A good walk can help lift your spirits and ease anxiety. Meeting people who understand where you’re at also helps with this!
  • Sharper Mind: Regular walks are great for your brain too, helping to keep your mind sharp.

What’s New This Time Around?

We’ve learned a lot from the past, and we’re committed to making Wellness Walks a lasting part of our community this time. Here’s what we’re doing differently:

Sticking to a Schedule:

  • We’re setting up a regular, reliable schedule so you can count on these walks happening consistently.
  • We’re also picking routes that are accessible to everyone, no matter your fitness level.

Wellness Walk Leaders:

  • We’re set up a group of dedicated Wellness Walk Leaders who will be at the walk to keep you all going and encourage a good chat while you’re out there.

Listening and Improving:

  • Your feedback is super important to us, so we’ll be making it easy for you to share your thoughts on how we can make the walks even better.
  • We’ll also be keeping an eye on how many people join in and what kind of impact the walks are having on everyone’s wellbeing.

Let’s Get Walking!

We’re really excited to bring Wellness Walks back and to see how they can make a difference in our community. We know how important it is to feel like you’re part of a community and we’re really excited to grow this part of our Catherine McEwan Foundation Family.

So, lace up your walking shoes, bring your friends, and let’s get moving towards a healthier, happier you!


Date Location
Thursday September 5th 2024
6.30pm 7.30pm
Bellahouston Park, Glasgow
Sunday September 15th 2024
10.00am 11.00am
Hogganfield Loch, Glasgow
Wednesday September 18th 2024
6.30pm 7.30 pm
Glasgow Green
Thursday September 26th 2024
6.30pm 7.30pm
Strathclyde Country Park
Thursday October 3rd 2024
6.30pm 7.30pm
Bellahouston Park, Glasgow
Sunday October 13th 2024
10.00am 11.00am
Hogganfield Loch, Glasgow
Wednesday October 16th 2024
6.30pm 7.30pm
Glasgow Green
Thursday October 24th 2024
6.30pm 7.30pm
Strathclyde Country Park

Register Now!